For Parents of High School and College Students

If you are seeking support for your child at this point, it is most likely that things have come to an inflection point that needs attention. These last few years have been very difficult for all of us living through the pandemic and the trauma that came from it. If your student has had issues (anxiety, depression, and the like) before, it made those issues worse, and if there were no such issues, before, it caused many to suffer from them now.

Young people want to be thought of as being independent and respected for who they are as a person. Unfortunately, when situations arise where school success is affected, parents tend to do what all parents do in a crisis, try and fix the problem in order to make life better for their child. You end up taking on the job of manager- overseeing assignments, study time, and anything regarding school. This only puts your relationship at risk, as they do not want their parents to be involved in this area, and the result is conflict and resentment. The child feels a lack of empowerment, which they all need to development in order to become independent, self-sufficient adults.

This is where an outside source comes into play. Not being their parent, takes the pressure off of your child, and in turn, off of you, as parents. That person can become the accountability factor without the emotional conflict occurring.

This is the role that I take on. My goal is always to save the relationship between the parent and the child and bring it back to being able to enjoy time together, without the weight of school issues coming between you.